Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recipes for success part 2

When I was in primary school, I was given a copy of '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by my Dad. I pulled a face and it was exchanged for something a little more child friendly and very likely, something pink and shiny. Though now, when I'm very tired and demotivated to do anything creative after a full day of work, I get a bit curious about what it said inside.

There are a hundred different theories about getting inspired, staying inspired, maximising productivity and work practices. I get very distracted learning about a whole lot of them. Apparently Japanese author Haruki Murakami wakes up whilst it's still dark, brews himself a very black coffee and writes until dawn.

It's all very distracting. But I think the people I find to be consistently creative and most importantly still happy in doing what they do, are constantly in a state of curiosity and excitement about the smallest things. All of which eventuate into a steady state of action and production, even if it is for their own means.

Take a peek at:

Popperbox, The Snail and the Cyclops, Shelbyville, Tony Curran, Simply Breakfast, and Luke Austin.

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